Genotyping arrays enable the direct measurement of an individuals genotype at thousands of markers. Subsequent analyses such as genome-wide association studies rely on the high quality of these marker genotypes.
Anderson and colleagues introduced a protocol for data quality
control in genetic association studies heavily based on the summary
statistics and relatedness estimation functions in the PLINK software
[1]. PLINK is a comprehensive, open-source
command-line tool for genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and
population genetics research [3]. It’s
main functionalities include data management, computing individual- and
marker- level summary statistics, identity-by-state estimation and
association analysis.
Integration with R is achieved through its R plugin or PLINK/SEQ R
Package [4]. While the plugin is limited
to operations yielding simple genetic marker vectors as output, the
PLINK/SEQ R Package is limited in the functionalities it can access.
plinkQC facilitates genotype quality control for genetic association studies as described by [1]. It wraps around plink basic statistics (e.g. missing genotyping rates per individual, allele frequencies per genetic marker) and relationship functions and generates a per-individual and per-marker quality control report. Individuals and markers that fail the quality control can subsequently be removed with plinkQC to generate a new, clean dataset. Removal of individuals based on relationship status is optimised to retain as many individuals as possible in the study.
plinkQC depends on the PLINK (version 1.9), which has to be manually installed prior to the usage of plinkQC. It assumes the genotype have already been determined from the original probe intensity data of the genotype array and is available in plink format.
Note: PLINK 2.0 is still in
alpha status with many re-implementations and updates, including output
file changes. While these changes are ongoing, plinkQC will
rely on users using PLINK 1.9. I will monitor PLINK 2.0 changes and
check compatibility with plinkQC
. If users require specific
PLINK 2.0 output, I recommend using the Step-by-Step approach described below and
manually saving to the output files expected from PLINK 1.9.
The protocol is implemented in three main functions, the
per-individual quality control (perIndividualQC
), the
per-marker quality control (perMarkerQC
) and the generation
of the new, quality control dataset (cleanData
The per-individual quality control with perIndividualQC
wraps around these functions: (i) check_sex
: for the
identification of individuals with discordant sex information, (ii)
: for the
identification of individuals with outlying missing genotype and/or
heterozygosity rates, (iii) check_relatedness
: for the
identification of related individuals, (iv) check_ancestry
identification of individuals of divergent ancestry.
The per-marker quality control with perMarkerQC
around these functions: (i) check_snp_missingnes
: for the
identifying markers with excessive missing genotype rates, (ii)
: for the identifying markers showing a
significant deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE), (iii)
: for the removal of markers with low minor allele
frequency (MAF).
takes the results of perMarkerQC
and perIndividualQC
and creates a new dataset with all
individuals and markers that passed the quality control checks.
In the following, genotype quality control with plinkQC is
applied on a small example dataset with 200 individuals and 10,000
markers (provided with this package). The quality control is
demonstrated in three easy steps, per-individual and per-marker quality
control followed by the generation of the new dataset. In addition, the
functionality of each of the functions underlying
and perIndividualQC
demonstrated at the end of this vignette.
package.dir <- find.package('plinkQC')
indir <- file.path(package.dir, 'extdata')
qcdir <- tempdir()
name <- 'data'
path2plink <- "/Users/hannah/bin/plink"
For perIndividualQC
, one simply specifies the directory
where the data is stored (qcdir) and the prefix of the plink files
(i.e. prefix.bim, prefix.bed, prefix.fam). In addition, the names of the
files containing information about the reference population and the
merged dataset used in check_ancestry
have to be provided:
refSamplesFile, refColorsFile and prefixMergedDataset. Per default, all
quality control checks will be conducted.
In addition to running each check, perIndividualQC
writes a list of all fail individual IDs to the qcdir. These IDs will be
removed in the computation of the perMarkerQC
. If the list
is not present, perMarkerQC
will send a message about
conducting the quality control on the entire dataset.
NB: To reduce the data size of the example data in
, data.genome has already been reduced to the
individuals that are related. Thus the relatedness plots in C only show
counts for related individuals only.
NB: To demonstrate the results of the ancestry check, the required
eigenvector file of the combined study and reference datasets have been
precomputed and for the purpose of this example will be copied to the
. In practice, the qcdir
will often be
the same as the indir
and this step will not be
displays the results of the quality
control steps in a multi-panel plot.
fail_individuals <- perIndividualQC(indir=indir, qcdir=qcdir, name=name,
refSamplesFile=paste(indir, "/HapMap_ID2Pop.txt",
refColorsFile=paste(indir, "/HapMap_PopColors.txt",
path2plink=path2plink, do.run_check_ancestry = FALSE,
interactive=TRUE, verbose=TRUE)
depicts overview plots of
quality control failures and the intersection of quality control
failures with ancestry exclusion.
applies its checks to data in the specified
directory (qcdir), starting with the specified prefix of the plink files
(i.e. prefix.bim, prefix.bed, prefix.fam). Optionally, the user can
specify different thresholds for the quality control checks and which
check to conduct. Per default, all quality control checks will be
conducted. perMarkerQC
displays the results of the QC step
in a multi-panel plot.
fail_markers <- perMarkerQC(indir=indir, qcdir=qcdir, name=name,
verbose=TRUE, interactive=TRUE,
depicts an overview of the marker
quality control failures and their overlaps.
After checking results of the per-individual and per-marker quality
control, individuals and markers that fail the chosen criteria can
automatically be removed from the dataset with cleanData
resulting in the new dataset qcdir/data.clean.bed,qcdir/data.clean.bim,
qcdir/data.clean.fam. For convenience, cleanData
returns a
list of all individuals in the study split into keep and remove
The identification of individuals with discordant sex information
helps to detect sample mix-ups and samples with very poor genotyping
rates. For each sample, the homozygosity rates across all X-chromosomal
genetic markers are computed and compared with the expected rates
(typically $<$0.2 for females and $>$0.8 for males). For samples
where the assigned sex (PEDSEX in the .fam file) contradicts the sex
inferred from the homozygosity rates (SNPSEX), it should be checked that
the sex was correctly recorded (genotyping often occurs at different
locations as phenotyping and misrecording might occur). Samples with
discordant sex information that is not accounted for should be removed
from the study. Identifying individuals with discordant sex information
is implemented in check_sex
. It finds individuals whose
SNPSEX != PEDSEX. Optionally, an extra data.frame with sample IDs and
sex can be provided to double check if external and PEDSEX data (often
processed at different centers) match. If a mismatch between PEDSEX and
SNPSEX was detected, by SNPSEX == Sex, PEDSEX of these individuals can
optionally be updated. check_sex
depicts the X-chromosomal
heterozygosity (SNPSEX) of the samples split by their (PEDSEX).
fail_sex <- check_sex(indir=indir, qcdir=qcdir, name=name, interactive=TRUE,
verbose=TRUE, path2plink=path2plink)
The identification of individuals with outlying missing genotype
and/or heterozygosity rates helps to detect samples with poor DNA
quality and/or concentration that should be excluded from the study.
Typically, individuals with more than 3-7% of their genotype calls
missing are removed. Outlying heterozygosity rates are judged relative
to the overall heterozygosity rates in the study, and individuals whose
rates are more than a few standard deviations (sd) from the mean
heterozygosity rate are removed. A typical quality control for outlying
heterozygosity rates would remove individuals who are three sd away from
the mean rate. Identifying related individuals with outlying missing
genotype and/or heterozygosity rates is implemented in
. It finds individuals that have
genotyping and heterozygosity rates that fail the set thresholds and
depicts the results as a scatter plot with the samples’ missingness
rates on x-axis and their heterozygosity rates on the y-axis.
fail_het_imiss <- check_het_and_miss(indir=indir, qcdir=qcdir, name=name,
interactive=TRUE, path2plink=path2plink)
The identification of individuals of divergent ancestry can be
achieved by combining the genotypes of the study population with
genotypes of a reference dataset consisting of individuals from known
ethnicities (for instance individuals from the Hapmap or 1000 genomes
study [9]). Principal component analysis
on this combined genotype panel can be used to detect population
structure down to the level of the reference dataset (for Hapmap and
1000 Genomes, this is down to large-scale continental ancestry).
Identifying individuals of divergent ancestry is implemented in
. Currently, check ancestry only supports
automatic selection of individuals of European descent. It uses
information from principal components 1 and 2 to find the center of the
European reference samples. All study samples whose euclidean distance
from the centre falls outside a specified radius are considered
non-European. check_ancestry
creates a scatter plot of PC1
versus PC2 color-coded for samples of the reference populations and the
study population.
exclude_ancestry <- check_ancestry(indir=indir, qcdir=qcdir, name=name,
refSamplesFile=paste(indir, "/HapMap_ID2Pop.txt",
refColorsFile=paste(indir, "/HapMap_PopColors.txt",
path2plink=path2plink, run.check_ancestry = FALSE,
Markers with excessive missingness rate are removed as they are
considered unreliable. Typically, thresholds for marker exclusion based
on missingness range from 1%-5%. Identifying markers with high
missingness rates is implemented in snp_missingness
. It
calculates the rates of missing genotype calls and frequency for all
variants in the individuals that passed the
fail_snpmissing <- check_snp_missingness(indir=indir, qcdir=qcdir, name=name,
Markers with strong deviation from HWE might be indicative of
genotyping or genotype-calling errors. As serious genotyping errors
often yield very low p-values (in the order of 10−50), it is recommended to
choose a reasonably low threshold to avoid filtering too many variants
(that might have slight, non-critical deviations). Identifying markers
with deviation from HWE is implemented in check_hwe
. It
calculates the observed and expected heterozygote frequencies per SNP in
the individuals that passed the perIndividualQC
computes the deviation of the frequencies from Hardy-Weinberg
equilibrium (HWE) by HWE exact test.
fail_hwe <- check_hwe(indir=indir, qcdir=qcdir, name=name, interactive=TRUE,
path2plink=path2plink, showPlinkOutput=FALSE)
Markers with low minor allele count are often removed as the actual
genotype calling (via the calling algorithm) is very difficult due to
the small sizes of the heterozygote and rare-homozygote clusters.
Identifying markers with low minor allele count is implemented in
. It calculates the minor allele frequencies for
all variants in the individuals that passed the
fail_maf <- check_maf(indir=indir, qcdir=qcdir, name=name, interactive=TRUE,
path2plink=path2plink, showPlinkOutput=FALSE)